Geboortedatum: August 19, 1944
Geboorteplaats: Fort Worth
Jack Canfield is een Amerikaanse managementgoeroe en spreker.
Hij geniet onder meer bekendheid als co-auteur van de boekenserie Chicken Soup for the Soul. Hij schrijft deze samen met Mark Victor Hansen.
Deze serie bestaat in 2008 uit meer dan 124 titels. Er zijn honderd miljoen boeken van verkocht in meer dan 47 talen.
Date of birth: August 19, 1944
City of birth: Fort Worth
Jack Canfield is an American author, motivational speaker, corporate trainer, and entrepreneur. He is the co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, which has more than 250 titles and 500 million copies in print in over 40 languages. In 2005 Canfield co-authored with Janet Switzer The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be.
In 1976 Canfield co-authored 100 Ways to Enhance Self-Concept in the Classroom. He ran a residential Gestalt center called the New England Center for Personal and Organizational Development and was named one of the Ten Outstanding Young Men of America (TOYA) by the U.S. Jaycees in 1978.[citation needed]
Canfield is the founder and CEO of The Canfield Training Group in Santa Barbara, California and founder of The Foundation for Self-Esteem in Culver City, California. Canfield hosts a radio program and writes a globally syndicated newspaper column. He holds a Guinness World Record for having seven books on the New York Times best-seller list at the same time. In 2006 Canfield was featured in a self-development film called The Secret. His best known books include: The Power of Focus, The Aladdin Factor, and Dare to Win. In 2005 Canfield co-authored The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be.He is a founding member of the Transformational Leadership Council.
Titels in ons aanbod / Books in our store
Coaching for Breakthrough Success
Success Principles - 10th Anniversary Edition: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be
Key to Living the Law of Attraction: The Secret To Creating the Life of Your Dreams
Chicken Soup for the Soul 20th Anniversary Edition: All Your Favorite Original Stories Plus 20 Bonus Stories for the Next 20 Years
The Power of Focus: How to Hit Your Business, Personal and Financial Targets with Confidence and Certainty
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Think Positive: 101 Inspirational Stories about Counting Your Blessings and Having a Positive Attitude
How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want: The 25 Principles of Success
Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction