
Geboortedatum: December 29, 1953

Geboorteplaats: Niles, Ohio, U.S.A.

Echte naam: Joseph Vitale

Joe Vitale is CEO van Hypnotic Marketing Inc., een marketing adviesbureau en is ook in Nederland een bekende bestseller-auteur.

Men heeft hem wel eens ‘de Boeddha van het internet’ genoemd omdat hij spiritualiteit en marketinginzicht combineert.

Joe Vitale is auteur, bekend van De Sleutel (2008), Zero Limits, Het mysterie achter Zero Limits (2016).

Tot zijn oeuvre behoren ook boeken als De Attractor Factor, There's a Customer Born Every Minute, en Life's Missing Instruction Manual. Hij speelde ook een belangrijke rol in The Secret, dat bestond uit zowel een documentaire als uit een boek.


Date of Birth: December 29, 1953

City of Birth: Niles, Ohio, U.S.A.

Full name: Joseph Vitale.

Joe Vitale is a spiritual teacher best known for his appearance in the movieThe Secret, and as the author of The Attractor Factor. He currently resides in Austin, Texas.

In 1984, Vitale wrote his first book "Zen and the Art of Writing".

In 1995, Vitale wrote "Hypnotic Writing". His professional clients have included the Red Cross,PBS, Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital, and several other businesses. A book on marketing and business.

Vitale has made appearances in several movies as an expert on the Law of Attraction.

The film The Secret, in which Vitale is interviewed, was released on March 23, 2006.

Vitale also recorded many audio programs for Nightingale-Conant. Vitale has also written a book on P.T. Barnums business secrets,‚ There is a Customer Born Every Minute.

Law of Attraction Quotes (2017), and the most recent book that Vitale has published, Anything Is Possible.

Titels in ons aanbod / Books in our store

Hypnotic Writing

The Secret Prayer: The Three-Step Formula for Attracting Miracles

The Miracle: Six Steps to Enlightenment

At Zero: The Final Secrets to "Zero Limits" The Quest for Miracles

Life's Missing Instruction Manual: The Guidebook You Should Have Been Given at Birth

The Attractor Factor: 5 Easy Steps for Creating Wealth (or Anything Else) From the Inside Out